Preparing your skin for the Spring

Preparing your skin for the Spring season is very important. Dull winter skin is calling for help.
Exfoliating your skin, staying hydrated, and adding a layer of protection. Here at Venelle salon and Spa our skin professionals can help you to learn more about your skin type, daily routine and help by choosing the right product that works for you.
Here are some tips on how you can look the best for the new season: Weekly exfoliation: Gentle removes dead skin cells, Hydration: make sure you drink enough water. Remember to use sunscreen. It’s recommended that you choose SPF with a rating of 30 or higher.
The best way to keep your skin looking fresh is to work with a professional esthetician. Venelle Salon always starts with a consultation and skin analysis. We offer a list of facials that will contribute to your younger-looking skin:
Eminence Hungarian Organic Facial
Pure vitamins infusion delivers naturally glowing healthy skin. This facial is customized to target your specific skin concerns.
Mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer of dead skin cells. Excellent for acne scarring, wrinkles, sun damages, hyperpigmentation.
Guinot Lift Summum Facial
The Lift Summum treatment is designed to firm and lift the delicate skin
Its recommended that you get a facial every three to four weeks or once a month. That's how long the skin’s cycle is. After three-four weeks, your skin cells grow back. Facials help this process to bring your skin’s natural glow.